of Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians

The first and until now unique work addressing the cross-fertilization between Theology of Liberation and Theology of Pluralism.
A service and initiative of
the Internationational Theological Commission of EATWOT
and the Latin American Theological Commission of EATWOT/ASETT


Some of these books seems to be freely on the Net...

See the whole Series, in five volumes, in Spanish, in Portuguese, or in Italian.
See the full Collection «Tiempo Axial», of 12 volumes till now (Spanish): here.

Fifth and last volume


Download it here! (in English, PDF, 1'3 Mb)
Tómelo de aquí (en inglés, PDF, 1'3 Nb)

«Toward a Planetary Theology»,
edited by José María VIGIL,
with the collaboration of:
(India), Marcelo BARROS (Brazil), Agenor BRIGHENTI (Brazil), Edmund CHIA (Malaysia-USA), Amín EGEA (Spain), Paul KNITTER (USA), David LOY (USA), Laurenti MAGESA (Tanzania), Jacob NEUSNER (USA), Irfan OMAR (USA), Teresa OKURE (Nigeria), Raimon PANIKKAR (India-Spain), Peter PHAN (Viertnam-USA), Aloysius, PIERIS (Sri Lanka), Richard RENSHAW (Canada), Amando ROBLES (Costa Rica), K. SESHAGIRI (USA), Afonso SOARES (Brazil) and Faustino TEIXEIRA (Brazil).

It is the fifth and last volume of the Series.
Published, in March 2010,
by Dunamis Publishers, Montreal, Canada, 198 pages.

You can see:
the contents of the book, its cover, a little flyer, a review of the book by Diarmuid O'Murchu, and a
presentazione (in Italian) of the book (from «Adista» 24, Rom, March 20, 2010).

For orders: dunamis@live.com
For Canada: $20 (shipment included)
For USA: $23 (shipment included)
For rest of the world: $27 (shipment included).

IV Volume

This book is available only as a Spanish-English bilingual digital edition. Download it here: 1'7 Mb. For printing, contact us, please.

«Along the Many Paths of God- IV.
Intercontinental Liberation Theology of Religious Pluralisml
edited by José María VIGIL, Luiza TOMITA andMarcelo BARROS.
- Prólogo of Paul F. KNITTER. Epílogo of José María Vigil.

This fourth volume of the Series wants to review the current situation od the emerging «pluralistic liberation theology» in the world. Continent by continent, 18authors expose the detailed situation of this theology in each Continent, with the most relevant aspects of this theology. The Authors are:
(India), Tissa BALASURIYA (sri Lanka) , Marcelo BARROS (Brazil), Edmund CHIA (Malaysia - USA), Ramathate DOLAMO (South Africa), Mary GETUI (Kenya), Ismael GONZÁLEZ (Spain - Japan), Dwight N. HOPKINS (USA), Diego IRARRÁZAVAL (Peru - Chile), Carlo MOLARI (Italia), Raimon PANIKKAR (India - Spain), Ricardo RENSHAW (Canada), Alfonso SOARES (Brazil), Pablo SUESS (Brazil), Jonathan TAN YUN-KA (USA), Faustino TEIXEIRA (Brazil), Lieve TROCH (Holland) and José María VIGIL (Panama).

See the Contents of the book, or the prologue of Paul F. KNITTER, the epilogue of José María VIGIL or this recension (in Spanish) of Bruno RENAUD in the review Iter of Caracas.

In Spanish: Editorial Abya Yala, Quito, julio 2006, 256 pp. Precio, 6 US$. Pedidos a: libreria@abyayala.org Vea la ficha del libro. Available also in digital fotmat, at half prize.

In Portuguese: edição brasileira, e uma recensão sobre ela.

Volume I-III

Begining of «Interreligious Studies» Series
of Nijmegen Institut of Missiology
See more.

This is the English edition of the three first books of this Series, here.

This book was released as freeware in its edition in Spanish (9Mb) and Portuguese (4'5Mb).


About Theology of Pluralism you may be interested in:
- VIGIL, Jose M., Theology of Religious Pluralism. It exist also in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and partly in German.
See a Spanish course about it.
- Many articles on theology of religious Pluralism, in the RELaT, of Koinonia Services.
- Bibliography on Theology of Religous Pluralism, a service of Latin American Agenda.
Contact with Tiempo Axial Colection

Latin American Theological Commission
/ International Theological Commission / EATWOT